Tools for Your MUTA Trainer presentation at ASPE!

Clinical Practice Resources trainers, Richard Claflin and Marc Daniel Claflin, along with CPR’s director, Isle Polonko, are providing a presentation/discussion session at the 2017 Association of Stanardized Patient Educators (ASPE) national conference in Alexandria Virginia, on Tuesday, June 6, from 9:45 to 10:45, This presentation will review the qualities of highly effective MUTAs and cover critical components of successful hiring and training to ensure excellence in your MUTA program.  We will also review basic training elements and review pitfalls and provide tools to ensure success.

Richard Claflin, CPR’s lead trainer, and Marc Daniel Claflin, CPR’s assistant trainer have a proven track record in the field of successfully training superior MUTA educators.  They also co-authored the first MUTA Training curriculum in the field of GTA/MUTA and are sought after instructors having worked for NJMS, Rutgers and now exclusively for Clinical Practice Resources. Their expertise and engaging personalities will ensure that this presentation will not only be invaluable to you as you look to successfully hire and train a pool of exceptional MUTA instructors, but will be lighthearted and fun to attend.  Join us at the ASPE conference and work with leaders in the field to ensure success of your MUTA program.