Isle Polonko, at lectern


No methodology has been proven to work better for training invasive exam clinical skills techniques than the GTA/MUTA model of learning.  Data from studies as far back as 1977 to those published in the past few years, consistently indicate the benefits of GTA training.

When a GTA or MUTA is both the instructor & patient, it is shown to:

  • Provide exceptional training in clinical exam technique
  • Improve competency
  • Reduce student anxiety
  • Increase test scores
  • Improve patient communication
  • Improve student ability to identify pathology by providing access to well-patient anatomy.

Why Clinical Practice Resources?  

CPR for Training & Education is a pioneering leader in the field of GTA & MUTA services. Director Isle Polonko’s innovative pursuits in the field are the result of a creative mind and decades of GTA programmatic experience.  Clinical Practice Resources has worked internationally with universities, Veterans Association centers, Sexual Assault Forensic programs, midwifery programs, private practices, radiology departments and State Institutions such as Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey and Boards of Health in New Jersey and other states.

Clinical Practice Resources developed the first and only MUTA Train the Trainer curriculum, an interactive toolkit designed to create outstanding GTA and MUTA trainers for your GTA/MUTA program. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner & Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner programs around the country are changing how forensic evidence collection training is executed because of our unprecedented work in the field. CPR-te’s concentration on patient empowerment and education within comprehensive well-patient care has inspired research, training and curriculum-building in a variety of related fields.

CPR-te offers lifestyle sensitivity training, LGBTQIA lectures & curriculum, Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence collection training, SANE and SAFE training, GTA and MUTA certification and remedial/standardization training.  Simply put, we are the best at what we do.


GTA instructing 5 learners on the pelvic exam


I just wanted to send a “Special Thank You” email to you and your FABULOUS team! The dedication, knowledge, professionalism and presentation of this type of education in preparing our students for their clinical experiences is second to none! Our students are still talking about their training this morning and praising their learning experience.

Mary G. Flanagan-Kundle, MS, PA-C / Co-chair Physician Assistant Programs, Touro College of Health Sciences, Bay Shore

Clinical Practice Resources was a pleasure to work with. Their team was experienced, professional, and collaborative, eagerly partnering with us to teach concepts that fit the learning needs of our students. They led engaging and informative sessions that reinforced the principles of patient-centered care we teach. 

Jaideep S. Talwalkar, MD / Director of Clinical Skills, Yale School of Medicine; Editor, Yale Primary Care Pediatrics Curriculum

Your team has [delivered] an unsurpassed educational program.  We are truly grateful for all you have done to help us implement our own GTA and MUTA programs…your trainers pay extreme attention to detail, remain nurturing, and reassuring…I value dialogue to customize your materials to meet the needs of our program…while not compromising quality and patient comfort…Our GTA program is the most highly rated portion of the physical diagnosis courses. I am looking forward to many more years of collaboration.

Dorian Williams, MD / Assistant Dean for Technology and Simulation, West Virginia University




Isle has been a dream to work with! Her passion and expertise shine through in all that she does!

Thank you so much!


Athena Hawkins / Minerva Ink, LLC


As always, we are so impressed with your professionalism and so grateful for the incredible work you do to improve the skills and humanity of the healthcare providers of tomorrow.


Caroline Dorsen, PhD, FNP-BC / Assistant Professor, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing; Affiliated Investigator, Center for Drug Use and HIV Research (CDUHR)

Becoming a GTA has been one of the greatest honors of my life. I know my work with medical professionals impacts countless patients. Being trained to do this work by Isle was everything you’d want it to be—educational, fun, comfortable and empowering. Isle pours her whole heart into it.

Kelsey / Gynecologic Teaching Associate


Thank you for going above and beyond to make your wonderful and professional GTAs available during a pandemic and ultimately improve the care of sexual assault patients in Michigan! Sexual assault is not taking a pandemic break! I will do what I can to promote your company and provide information to anyone looking for GTAs


Linda Rossman Family Nurse Practitioner / Grand Rapids MI
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