Why Clinical Practice Resources?
CPR for Training & Education is a pioneering leader in the field of GTA & MUTA services. Director Isle Polonko’s innovative pursuits in the field are the result of a creative mind and decades of GTA programmatic experience. Clinical Practice Resources has worked internationally with universities, Veterans Association centers, Sexual Assault Forensic programs, midwifery programs, private practices, radiology departments and State Institutions such as Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey and Boards of Health in New Jersey and other states.
Clinical Practice Resources developed the first and only MUTA Train the Trainer curriculum, an interactive toolkit designed to create outstanding GTA and MUTA trainers for your GTA/MUTA program. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner & Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner programs around the country are changing how forensic evidence collection training is executed because of our unprecedented work in the field. CPR-te’s concentration on patient empowerment and education within comprehensive well-patient care has inspired research, training and curriculum-building in a variety of related fields.
CPR-te offers lifestyle sensitivity training, LGBTQIA lectures & curriculum, Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence collection training, SANE and SAFE training, GTA and MUTA certification and remedial/standardization training. Simply put, we are the best at what we do.