GTA work has been utilized in Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) training for many years to instruct and review the components of the pelvic examination necessary to complete the sexual assault forensic evidence collection kit on a sexual assault survivor. However, in the past several years, the specialized skills of GTAs have been utilized in simulation so that SANE trainees can complete requirements on simulated patients rather than victims of sexual assault. This process of including GTAs in simulation for these trainings has not been without its challenges but there are collaborations between GTA programs and SANE programs that have enjoyed remarkable collaborative relationships. Clinical Practice Resources is lucky to have such an exceptional relationship with Eileen Allen, a registered nurse and a nationally certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner of Adolescents, Adults, and Pediatric patients. She is the coordinator of the Monmouth County Forensic Nurse Examiner Program and Sexual Assault Response Team and it is in this capacity that Clinical Practice Resources has the honor of working with her.
Recently, Eileen Allen contacted Isle Polonko, owner/director of Clinical Practice Resources and recognized leader in the field of GTA methodology, to inquire if it would be possible to travel with her to Brazil to train a group of nursing student volunteers to be forensic GTAs. Eileen is a guest speaker at the Congresso Internacional de Enfermagem (International Congress of Nursing) in Brazil, hosted by the Sociedade de Brasileira de Enfermagem Forense (The Brazilian Society of Forensic Nursing) and Universidade Tiradentes (Tiradentes University). Ms. Allen is lecturing on this topic and was asked to present a course to train Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners. This is UNPRECEDENTED! It would be the very first SANE course taught in the country and the very first GTAs as well! Naturally, there was no question! And preparations began to bring this extraordinary event to life!
Everyone began working together on extensive preparations; Presentations have to be translated from English to Portugese, GTA Forensic Training Manual has to be translated and distributed, preliminary online training courses need to be booked, etc.; the culmination of which will occur at this course from May 6 to the 10th. The Brazilian volunteers have worked so very hard in getting everything together. Unbelievable how hard everyone has been working! And the GTA volunteers, who Isle Polonko “met” online one time so far, have been exceptional! Everyone, both here and in Brazil is so excited to have the opportunity to be working together.
Clinical Practice Resources wants to acknowledge and thank, Dr. Pureza Santa Rosa, the coordinator of the Congresso Internacional de Enfermagem. It is an amazing feat to create something of this magnitude! And acknowledgement and thanks also to the Sociedade de Brasileira de Enfermagem Forense for having the courage and foresight to pioneer such groundbreaking work. Additionally, a special thank you goes out to Dr. Karen Silva, Education Program Coordinator and Instructor of Psychiatry at Cedars-Sanai Medical Center in West Hollywood who is assisting with coordinating the project from here in the US. I can’t thank you enough for your accessibility, your kindness and your help! Juliana Musse who is handling the coordination of the project in Brazil. This project would not be happening without all of the hard work you are putting in behind the scenes! Rafael Braga and Luis Santos who are helping with translating the on-line GTA courses. I am so grateful to you. I couldn’t possibly complete my part in this project without you! And to the all the GTAs, (and I hope I have all of your names), Maiely, Edna, Rosiane, Hosana, Claudia, Rejane, Erica, Mailan, Regia, Thalita, Rebecca and Joisse, (anyone else whose name I didn’t have I apologize,) I am so excited to be meeting you in a couple weeks time! There are no words to express what an absolute honor it is to have been asked to work with you. This collaboration will result in bringing this vital work to the forefront and I am truly excited to imagine all that you will do together.
If you are interested in finding out more information about the conference or interested in attending and being a part of this groundbreaking work, visit