Objective Structured Clinical Examinations(OSCE),Teaching OSCEs (TOSCEs), and Clinical Assessments are designed to assess competency in a variety of skill sets including sexual history taking, clinical examination, and patient communication skills in a singular learner and/or team approach. They can be geared towards overall clinical skills or specialized topics such as domestic violence, sexual assault, LGBTQIA health, and/or alternative lifestyle choices to name a few. Standardized stations are developed to encompass any and all clinical assessments.

CPRs instructors are extensively trained in invasive examination techniques, sexual assault awareness, LGBTQIA sensitivities, simulation role plays, and constructive feedback. Our trained instructors provide feedback, proctor stations, assess competency, and act as Standardized Patients, GTAs and MUTAs. CPR is also ready to provide consultation if you are interested in setting up OSCEs, TOSCES, or Health Assessments at your institution.

For questions or to sign up for a training session, please contact Isle Polonko, Owner and Director of Clinical Practice Resources for Training and Education at 973-602-7783 or .