OHSU’s New GTA & MUTA Program

Last year, a contact was made by CPR’s managing director, Richard Claflin, with Tru Chatelain at OHSU, Oregon Health and Science University in Portland Oregan. OHSU was interested in moving their GTA/MUTA program to an independent instruction model, the gold standard of GTA/MUTA methodology. It took many months but the training began with 7 exceptional MUTA trainees and 8 phenomenal GTA trainees in the fall of 2018. CPR was onsite at OHSU with the GTA/MUTA trainees in January. To our great surprise, the entire group of trainees, both male and female, made it through the very arduous training and graduated; every single trainee graduated! CPR acknowledges, given the grueling nature of the training, not everyone usually graduates. This group of trainees was different. The support they showed one another was unsurpassed in our experience. Kudos to a fabulous group of new instructors. Clinical Practice Resources would like to congratulate all of the GTA and MUTA graduates and bring acknowledgement to the awesome program administrators, Tru Chatelain and Jesika Gavilanes. The support they showed their burgeoning trainees and the hard work and commitment it took to make this exceptional program come to pass, was extraordinary. A thank you also to Corey MacMillan, without whose help with room bookings and changes and a week of tech support, this could not have been successful. CPR also wants to thank Dr. Donn Spight, the Director. Every GTA and MUTA independent instructor program needs a champion. Without support from those in leadership positions at Universities, programs like this cannot exist. The new patient educators at OHSU are lucky to have these people in their corner, offering their support. CPR is so excited at the prospect of where these new instructors will take the work and would like to let everyone know what an honor and privilege it was to work with all of you. A heartfelt Congratulations to each and every one of you!