Clinical Practice Resources just got word that all 3 submitted abstracts for the 2018 Association for Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) conference were accepted. In the past, Isle Polonko, director at CPR, has been the leader in GTA content at the conference presenting as many as 11 presentations. This year, Richard Claflin, Managing Director at CPR, will attend the conference and present content on successful MUTA programming. I am thrilled for Richard to have his work and experience recognized by such a prestigious organization as ASPE. Congratulations Richard.
Stay tuned for more information about our conference presentations, MUTA curriculum, Transgender curriculum, and continued work in the field of sexual assault forensic evidence collection. We continue to forge ahead at the cutting edge of GTA/MUTA education. I am honored to be working with the exceptional talent of my managing and assistant directors, Richard Claflin and Samm Maloney respectively. Thank you for your dedication and hard work moving this field forward!